বুধবার, ২৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৪

Female patient, suffering from constipation

Case studies

1.     25 yr. female patient. Name-Rania Sarkar, suffering from constipation, especially when mentally depressed. Stools dry & crumbly due to dryness of rectum. At times, there are difficult explution & Bloody stools from anal fissures.

2.      Emaciation in spite of good appetite. Sleepy after meals.
3.     Patient is depressed, and feels irriated when consoled.
4.     Loss of sense of smell.
5.     Nasal Catarrh with obstraction.
Natram Mur. 6x 3 times daily.
Keynotes of Nat Mur.
Dry mucous membrance, dryness of Mouth, throat, rectum, vegina etc. Great emaciation, Lossing flesh while living well, especially throat & neck of children abdomen emaciats rapidly during summer complaints.
Follow up:
After two weaks no improvemnent. Then the same medicine was prescribed from another medicine store (shop). Then patients stool and general conditions were Improved.
After four weaks: 15x
At last 30x. was administerted.

Follow up: Qoute from mother:
She changed in a few weeks from a hypochondriac old maid to happy young woman.
Learings: V. V. I. Note
In a case of physical complaints, mental should be given greater importance & vice versa i. e. in a psychological case, physicals should be given more importance.

Excerpts from the textbook of constitution therapy Volume 1943 Dec vol No. XIL No. 6
Aouther: Bernard Aschner

Collected from Net

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